
Author Archives: Victor

Purple Sweet Potato Powder Malaysia Wholesale | Okinawa 100% Pure Natural Purple Sweet Potato Whole Powder
Purple Sweet Potato PowderWise Nutrition Pure Natural Purple Sweet Potato Whole Powder is 100% made from natural purple sweet potato ingredients imported from Okinawa, Japan. No added artificial colourings and preserving the purple potato’s natural nutrients that satisfy your need for health. Purple Sweet Potato Powder Malaysia Wholesale | Okinawa 100% Pure Natural Purple Sweet Potato Whole Powder Product name: Okinawa Pure Natural Purple Sweet Potato Whole PowderPart used: RootAppearance: Purple fine powderActive ingredients: AnthocyaninsSolubility: 100% water soluble Calories: 140Main...
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High Calcium Colostrum Plus Vitamin K2 and D3 (3 Months Supply)
Colostrum: High Calcium Colostrum Plus Vitamin K2 & D3 Table of Contents What is Colostrum? Why Vitamin K2 & D3? Heart-health Benefits of K2 What is Vitamin D Health Benefits of Vitamin D The Synergistic Relationship between Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 What is Colostrum? Colostrum is the highly nutritious ‘first milk’ produced by the mother for the new-born in its first few days of life. Colostrum contains many different nutrients including proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes as well as important...
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Wise Nutrition Purple Sweet Potato Special Offer
紫薯饮品 Special Promo Pack Information: Wise Nutrition purple sweet potato drink with ginger (sugar-free/sugary) and latte formula is 100% made from natural purple sweet potato ingredients imported from Kyushu (Kumamoto), Japan. No added artificial colourings and preserving the purple potato's natural nutrients that satisfy your need for healthy drinks! Purple Potatoes are Rich in Antioxidant Phytochemicals The rule of thumb with fruits and vegetables is that the deeper and richer the colour, the more nutritious the content tends to be. The...
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Wise Nutrition Healthy Living Questionnaire ~ This is a HEALTH AWARENESS QUESTIONNAIRE that helps you to understand your current mental health status. 这是一项健康意识问卷,帮助你了解你目前的心理健康状况。 Kindly click the following link to participate:  请点击以下的链接参与此活动: https://www.wisenutritionshop.com/questionnaire/ [caption id="attachment_10054" align="aligncenter" width="543"] Healthy Living: Wise Nutrition Healthy Lifestyle[/caption] In the fast paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we...
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Comparison of joint supplement that brings fast relief to people suffering from the pain, stiffness, and impaired mobility of osteoarthritis in Malaysia Using a good and effective joint supplement is one of the best ways to protect against joint inflammation and pain. With so many options available, it can be a challenge to figure out which one is right for you, and which one can actually provide the health benefits consumers seek. Let’s take a look at two of the most popular joint supplements...
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紫薯简介 紫薯(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir.旋花科 Convolvulaceae 番薯属)又叫黑薯,薯肉呈紫色至深紫色。它除了具有普通红薯的营养成分外,还富含硒元素和花青素。紫薯为花青素的主要原料之一。紫薯喜温暖气候环境,茎叶适宜生长温度为18~25℃,温度低于15℃时停止生长。块根最适生长地温为22~24℃,地温低于20℃时停止膨大。 食用价值 其富含蛋白质、淀粉、果胶、纤维素、氨基酸、维生素及多种矿物质,同时还富含硒元素和花青素。紫薯营养丰富具特殊保健功能,其中的蛋白质氨基酸都是极易被人体消化和吸收的。其中富含的维生素A可以改善视力和皮肤的粘膜上皮细胞,维生素C 可使胶元蛋白正常合成, 防治坏血病的发生, 花青素是天然强效自由基清除剂。 具有普通红薯的营养成分外,还富含硒元素、铁元素和花青素紫薯美食。在日本国家蔬菜癌症研究中心公布的抗癌蔬菜中名列榜首。另外,紫薯还可去皮烘干粉碎后加工成粉,色泽美观,营养丰富,是极佳的食品加工原料,可作为各种糕点的主料或配料。同时紫红薯还将成为花青素的主要原料之一。紫薯从茎尖嫩叶到薯块,均具有一定保健功能,是当前无公害、绿色、有机食品中的食品。 紫薯的功效与作用 1、防止便秘 紫薯中纤维素的含量非常高,该类物质会增加粪便的体积,促进肠胃的蠕动,清理肠道内滞留的粘液、积气和腐败物,排出粪便中的有毒物质以及致癌物质,从而可保持大便畅通,改善消化道环境,防止胃肠道疾病的发生。 2、减肥瘦身 紫薯茎尖嫩叶含有大量的维生素、蛋白质、微量元素、可食性纤维、可溶性无氧化物质,经常食用紫色具有减肥、健美、健身、防癌等多种功效。因此紫薯从茎尖嫩叶到薯块均具有良好的保健功效,它是当前绿色、无公害、有机食品中的首推保健食品。 3、抗氧化作用 红薯肉中提取出的21种醇提物来进行实验,结果证明紫薯中所含的花色素对清除过氧化物自由基能力是最强的,而且这种能力随紫薯中总量增加而增强。同时紫薯中的花色素还能有效的阻止亚油酸自动氧化引起脂质过氧化。 4、抗衰老清除体内的自由基 紫薯中含还有丰富的蛋白质,人体所必需的18种氨基酸,维生素A 、B、C等8种维生素和磷、铁等10多种天然矿物质。其中铁和硒的含量是最丰富的。而硒、铁是人体抗疲劳、抗衰老以及补血的必要元素。 特别是硒元素被称为“抗癌大王”,而且硒元素非常容易被人体消化吸收,可留在血清中,修补心肌、增强机体免疫力、清除体内的自由基。 5、预防心脑血管疾病 紫薯中富含钾、萝卜素、叶酸、维生素C和维生素B6,这5种成分均有助于预防心脑血管疾病等。钾有助于人体细胞液体和维持电解质平衡,维持人体正常血压以及心脏的功能。 胡萝卜素和维生素C具有抗脂质氧化、预防动脉粥样硬化的作用。补充适量的叶酸和维生素B6有助于降低血液中高半胱氨酸水平,后者是心血管疾病的独立危险因素之一。 6、增强免疫力 紫薯含有大量的黏液蛋白,能够防止肝脏、肾脏结缔组织萎缩,提高机体的免疫力。紫薯中所含有矿物质对于维持、调节人体功能起着十分重要的作用。 7、美容美肤 紫薯富含更多的维生素B族,妇女食用可保持皮肤弹性,让皮肤看起来更滑更有弹性。  参阅:https://wisenutritionshop.com/purple-sweet-potato-benefits/ 
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