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Purple Sweet Potato Benefits – What is Purple Sweet Potato?
Ipomoea batatas (l. Poir. Convolvulaceae), also known as black potato.
Purple sweet potatoes are a variety of normal potatoes, Ipomoea batatas (l. Poir. Convolvulaceae), also known as black potato. that originated in Peru and were eventually introduced to the Old World. These potatoes tend to be slightly smaller than russet potatoes and have a dark purple, nearly black exterior.
The phytochemicals called anthocyanins are what give the purple colour to these potatoes, and many studies have shown various health benefits from consuming foods high in anthocyanins.

Purple potatoes contain a high amount of anthocyanins because of their bright colour. As a result, they have very high antioxidant.
Purple Sweet Potato Benefits –Nutrition Facts
Purple sweet potatoes are high-antioxidant foods that are eye-catching since the skin and the flesh are both purple, making them a beautiful adornment to any plate. But it’s not just the colour that’s appealing. Purple sweet potatoes offer a host of awesome benefits from working as a healthy food-colouring agent to helping regulate blood pressure to aiding athletic performance and more.

Top 9 Purple Sweet Potato Benefits: –
Help Lower and Regulate Blood Pressure
Purple sweet potatoes may lower blood pressure. This could be because of their effect on the capillaries and blood vessels, along with the high concentration of a phytochemical called chlorogenic acid, which has been linked to lower blood pressure
Provides Antioxidants and Phytonutrients
The purple potato is loaded with antioxidants and disease-fight phytonutrients that work together to offer amazing health benefits, such as reducing inflammation.
Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure
There is a good amount of potassium in all varieties of potatoes, but in this purple variety, that potassium is helped along by the high concentration of antioxidants. By reducing the tension in the blood vessels and arteries, you can relieve strain on the cardiovascular system, thus lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, as well as coronary heart diseases.
Improve Liver Function
These types of potatoes increase certain markers of liver enzyme activity, signalling that the body is more effectively eliminating waste and cleansing the blood. This may be stimulated by the powerful antioxidants.
Provide Cognition
One of the most important functions of antioxidants is their impact on inflammatory compounds in the brain; by clearing out neural pathways and preventing beta-amyloid deposition, these potatoes can lower your risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Helps Weight Loss
Nutrient-dense foods can help you prevent overeating and snacking between meals. When you eat high-fibre vegetables, it helps to keep you full, and also slows down the release of blood sugar and insulin, which can prevent hunger pangs.

Anti-Free Radicals and Antioxidant
With excellent amounts of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in these potatoes, regular consumption can reduce your risk of various cancers. There is also an active ingredient in these potatoes, called cryogenic acid, which can prevent the growth of cancerous cells.

Improves Digestion
With moderate amounts of fibre, these potatoes can stimulate peristaltic motion in the small intestine, which can relieve symptoms of constipation, bloating, cramping, and stomach upset. The anti-inflammatory properties can also ease conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.
Promote Endurance
Starchy and carbohydrate-dense foods can be an excellent way to boost your energy levels and increase your endurance when performing physical tasks.

Purple Sweet Potato Benefits – Summary:
- Oxidation resistance
- Anti-ageing removes free radicals from the body
- Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
- Enhance immunity
- Prevent constipation
- Body Slimming
- Maintain beautiful skin
- For Baking: Purple Sweet Potato Cheesecake, Layer Cake, Cookies etc.
2, For Food: Mousse, Jelly, Macaroon, Noodles.Salads, Snacks, Desserts, Dressings etc. - For Beverage: Ice creams, smoothies, yoghurt etc. For the direct drink: 10 grams of Freeze-dried waxberry powder dissolved directly in 250ml water. Enjoy the pure taste of Freeze-dried juice powder.
- For Weight loss Products: Such as Ferment nutrition and Fruit vinegar.
Recommended Best-selling Purple Sweet Potato product:
Purple Sweet Potato Powder: Okinawa 100% Pure Natural Purple Sweet Potato Whole Powder